
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tweets of Note: #1millionshirts, World AIDS Vaccine Day, Observations from the Congo etc.

Notable links, sharp wit and newsy bits from the last 24 hours or so.

  1. Nicholas Wadhams
    nwadhams At long last: My Time story on the #1millionshirts saga

  2. Ian Thorpe
    ithorpe Now that's a real development aid action hero @cynan_sez

  3. IdealistNYC
    IdealistNYC I blame @CNN for this disgustingly UN-newsworthy piece. (from @talesfromthhood)

  4. IAVI
    AIDSvaccine World #AIDS #Vaccine Day is Tuesday! Check out this resource page w/news, events, videos, statements & reports #HIV

  5. Nicholas Kristof
    NickKristof Today I found that Congo clinics demand that women wanting family planning prove husband's consent. An absurd hurdle.

Scene on Twitter: Remote India via Bill Gates

Bill Gates is in India checking up on polio eradication efforts in some of the country's most difficult to reach areas. Even cooler than the pic he shared, might be the comments from locals.

  1. Bill Gates
    BillGates Kosi River near a ferry landing. A difficult area for polio prevention, but real progress being made...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scene on Twitter: Farmers in Brazil

Though she tweets somewhat infrequently (we only point it out because we'd love to see more), WFP head Josette Sheeran took a moment to share a scene from her first official visit to Brazil where she's visiting Brazilian government projects aimed at fighting hunger.

  1. Josette Sheeran
    JosetteSheeran In #Brazil saw family farmers successfully supporting school feeding

Sheeran is there honoring President Lula da Silva, who was named a Global Champion in the Battle Against Hunger by WFP. In case you missed it, here's the tweet:

  1. wfp_media
    wfp_media @WFP recognises #Brazil President Lula as a "Champion Against Hunger:"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

NYT Columnist Kristof Heads to Africa with Win-a-Trip Winner

Nicholas Kristof is off with the winner of his annual contest for students.

  1. Nicholas Kristof
    NickKristof At JFK airport, heading out on this year's Win-a-Trip journey. This year it's Gabon, the two Congos and Angola. Suggestions?

This year's winner, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student who has never been abroad, blogged about his preparation and thoughts ahead of the trip.

Tweets of Opportunity

  1. Josh Ruxin
    JoshRuxin Orphans of Rwanda seeking director of programs in Rwanda -- huge opportunity!

  2. Pro Mujer
    ProMujer Looking for a Development Administrative Coordinator for our NYC office.

  3. Global Health Corps
    ghcorps Join the GHC team! Apply to be a Program Associate in our New York office.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is The Globe and Mail's Special Africa Edition Neglecting Africans?

In response to the news that Bono and Bob Geldof will edit Monday's special issue of the newspaper:

  1. brendanbaker
    brendanbaker Globe & Mail celebrating 'The African Century'...with Geldof and Bono. Can we actually find Africans please? @geoffreyyork @snolen

  2. Geoffrey York
    geoffreyyork @brendanbaker Don't worry, there'll be lots of Africans in our special edition; writers as well as subjects. It will be a strong edition.

  3. brendanbaker
    brendanbaker @geoffreyyork Sounds good. I Have faith in you and Stephanie N. Just put off that it's still mktd with stale Western advocates tho. thx