
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Most Frequently Used Nonprofit Jargon

So well put:

As a writer who often covers nonprofits, I couldn't resist responding!

And here's what followed:

  1. Jaclyn Schiff
    J_Schiff @SeattleDonorBiz in fact I feel a top 10 list coming on... we should collaborate, could be hilarious!
  2. Clay Holtzman
    SeattleDonorBiz @J_Schiff Agreed. We need a Top 10 list of nonprofit jargon. Let's collaborate .. oops, I just said one right there.
  3. Clay Holtzman
    SeattleDonorBiz @J_Schiff Top nonprofit jargon: Pathways. Community. Passion. Sustainable.... Got any others?
  4. Jaclyn Schiff
    J_Schiff @SeattleDonorBiz nice! social justice, live/do/eat/think/sleep GOOD. Thinking of others.. will have to put this on my tumblr..
  5. Amita Parashar
    _amita_ @J_Schiff ownership, transparency, bold targets
  6. sarah arnquist
    sarnquist @seattleDonorBiz @J_Schiff popular NP jargon: mission creep, silos, sustainability, theory of change, social enterprise, scalable solution
  7. Jaclyn Schiff
    J_Schiff @sarnquist those are great. I also hear "put on notice" a lot.

Feel free to leave additional suggestions in the comments.


  1. Innovation, empowerment, equity ... "Smart" as an adjective

  2. Good ones, Tom. "Smart" seems very now. Any words that strike as you as particular to Seattle?

  3. smart and thoughtful

    buckets are the new silos
